ROCStock 2023 Updates

The board would like to announce that in 2023 and onward, the spring/summer ROCStock event will occur in April. At this time, the fall/winter event will remain in November.

We appreciate the membership feedback provided in the member survey a few months back that provided us valuable information on month and weekend preferences for both events.

After wrapping up coordination with the various regulatory agencies and our vendors, we have concluded that the weekend of the 2nd Saturday of April is the best option to allow us to avoid the poor weather that continues to plague June events and strain our volunteer resources. This date keeps with our 2nd Saturday tradition-we understand this creates conflicts every 7 years (including 2023) with Easter, but hope that the 3 day format allows people to find adequate time to fly. 

This will be a 3 day event, with normal ROCStock fee structures (including no youth discounts). The June launch will return to a single day monthly event with normal monthly launch fee structures and youth discounts for groups in compliance with the youth policy.

We understand that any such change will have impacts on planning, as such, desired to get the word out as quickly as possible. 

Unrelatedly, due to some recent inquiries, we would like to remind folks that at this time there are no plans for future ROCTober events beyond the normal monthly launches in October. When this event started a decade ago, we had great volunteer support, and a few dedicated individuals putting in hundreds of hours of planning time for the event each year. That support waned significantly over the years, and additionally the folks primarily responsible for coordination efforts have undertaken other responsibilities. ROC continues to support significantly discounted youth flying at our regular monthly launches allowing us to serve over 1,000 youth fliers annually.

Please feel free to reach out through if you have any questions. 

-Andrew Wimmer

Rocketry Organization of California Vice President